Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's a Potty Patch!

A few days ago I was sitting on my couch at home and watching TV when the commercial for the Potty Patch came on. Man, I thought, who would spend money on a fake piece of carpet for their dog to pee on when they can just send them outside?
AND THEN IT HIT ME LIKE A BALL AGAINST A WALL!!!! I didn't feel like getting up to let me dog out. I was now the lazy one! I was now the American consumer buying unnecessary oddities because I was too lazy! Okay, I didn't buy because I'm really cheap and really, I don't need it.
The info: The Potty Patch is like grass for youe dog just in stays in your house. Its plastic and says that it doesn't have oders stick to it. It is supposedly easy to clean, and "great for the winter when the snow is too cold for your pets." In the video all of these lovely positvies to the Potty Patch can be seen, so watch it!

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