Sunday, October 18, 2009

Paperoni: fun for kids, or not.

I wonder what the creators behind Paperoni were thinking when they came up with this bright idea. I have a feeling it went something like this: The creator, we shall call him Paper Pumpernickle, was relaxing in his bed after a long day at the bead factory. He was thinking back to that days earlier work, which was rolling up glass to make beads when the idea dawned on him like most great inventions. "If I take paper and roll it up like a bead, I can market it to children! They can stick it together using an adheisive piece of plastic paper and make shapes and animals with it! Wow, am I smart or what. No one ever though of this before."
Too bad he was wrong, it was thought of before and honestly, who wants to stick paper on paper? That isn't fun at all. Too bad Paper Pumpernickle thought otherwise because he infected our televisions with the broadcast of this mindless form of self expression. It doesn't make art, you can't be creative with it, and quite frankly anyone from a three year old to someone's ninety year old grandmother can do it. But hey, if you want to buy your kids something they will hate (instead of something cool like a super-soaker) go ahead, be my guest, do whatever you so chose but remember, they will not enjoy playing with colorful rolls of paper.
Of course, if you want to see it for yourself here is the video:

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